Rush Lake Property Owners Association, Pinckney, MI, Official website.
Board meeting highlights February 18, 2025
Board meeting dates have changed during the first part of 2025 due to board member medical and vacation events. The board met on Tuesday, February 18 at the Hamburg Library. The primary agenda item was a due diligence process of interviewing a management company to assume the role of handling the majority of the administrative tasks of running our association.
Discussion was held with the management of Sentry Management Company of Howell. There are many benefits to making a transition from our on staff clerical administrative clerk to a 24/7 management company. Benefits would include:
All financial services
Billing property owners annually (Each property owner will have their own payment portal account for tracking billing and payment.)
Collection of payments and posting payment to member individual account.
Payment to vendors
Financial statements (income and expenses.
Prepare tax documents
Send email blasts to members
Maintain association records and files
Verify property owners status with township and county databases.
The discussion was concluded with the board sending a document to Sentry with specific tasks that they will be performing and a official price quote.
Other items of interest:
Property owners are reminded that their 2025 dues payment must by paid by April 30th. Failure to make payment by that date will result in intent to file lien, additional fees for lien placement and collection fees. If you lost your invoice for the 2025 dues, please contact our clerk.
There has been extensive snow plow work and sanding of the dirt roads in the RLPOA area. Board member Sue Holcomb has taken the lead on coordinating all of this maintenance.
The bitter cold weather and thick ice should prove beneficial to our lake when we have the spring thaw. We anticipate that we will not be hit hard with weed growth as we have the last several spring seasons. Out first meeting with Lake Pro is going to take place in early March to determine our herbicide applications.
Our board is still seeking a ninth board member to join our team. Please join us on April 2nd at 6:30 p.m. in the Hamburg Community Center for our next board meeting to sit in on a board member and consider volunteering your time to help out.
The board continues to receive concerns and complaints regarding blight. This is a Hamburg Township issue and residents are encouraged to fill a blight form and deliver it to the township offices. Click here to get the form.
Hello Members -
The Rush Lake POA Board members are all volunteers. Please do not stop us as we are enjoying the lake, parks, or just going for a relaxing walk on a beautiful day. We do want you to contact us via email and your problem can be added to the agenda of our next scheduled meeting.
If you have an emergency, please leave a message on the RLPOA phone line. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Our clerk is part-time and not available 24/7.
Please contact the clerk via email You will receive a response on her next scheduled workday. Mail will be picked up at the Post Office once a week and bank deposits made once a week. No Board member or clerk will accept payments at their home.
Thank You
Rush Lake POA Board Members
Key information:
Monthly board meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month in the Hamburg Community Center. This website will be updated if there is a change.
Association members are welcome to attend any board meeting. Members wishing to discuss a concern are advised to email our association clerk with details of the concern and a request to be added to the agenda.
The best way to contact us is to email the association clerk
RLPOA annual dues are sent the first part of January and due April 30th of that year. Delinquent accounts will face penalties, liens placed and eventually collection agency action if not paid.
Hamburg police 517-546-9111
Hamburg fire 810-222-1100
The RLPOA actively manages maintenance of our three parks and boat launch. Services include benches and tables, lawn maintenance, summer port a johns and dog clean up stations.
Lake Improvement:
Rush Lake is a private spring-fed lake that covers approximately 130 acres. It is a shallow lake by many standards with an average depth of five to six feet with some areas measuring a depth of approximately 15 feet.
There is a court order that has set the height of the dam to keep water levels as consistent as mother nature allows.
Our contractors are obligated to post notification signs on the property shorelines in areas that they treat with herbicides. If your property is not affected by the herbicide treatments, you will not have signage posted on your property.
The board member responsible for Lake management and improvement is Joe Grech.
Road Grading and Maintenance.
All dirt roads in the association are maintained throughout the entire year. During spring until late fall, roads are graded, dust-controlled chloride treatments are applied, and gravel is added to maintain good conditions.
Rush Lake Road, Chambers, and Pettysville are county roads and thus are maintained by the county road commission. M-36 is a state road maintained by the State Highway Commission. The roads of Moon Shadows are maintained by the Moon Shadows Association. Our association contracts for road grading, snow plowing, and dust control.
During the winter months, the roads are cleared of snow once we have an accumulation of three inches or more.
Sand is provided at several locations within the association if the property owner needs sand for their driveway or approach areas.
Homeowners are asked to keep mailbox areas clear to allow the US Postal Service access for mail delivery.
All property owners must keep trees and brush growth clear and provide clear sight lines for traffic and pedestrian safety.
Members seeking special road maintenance issues should email our clerk with their concerns. Please include your name, address, and phone number.
The board member responsible for the roads is Pam Sevonty.