Rush Lake is a private all sports lake located in Hamburg Township.
Rush Lake is a private, all sports lake in Hamburg Township. Overall lake maintenance and lake improvement efforts are conducted by the Rush Lake Property Owners Association. Members in the RLPOA pay annual dues to fund: water testing, lake surveys and herbicide treatments.
Over the past several summers, herbicide treatments have been completed in early June and mid-August. The board has found that this time table has insured high enjoyment of the lake for swimming and boating. All herbicide treatment work is strongly dependent on Mother Nature. A very cold winter will delay treatments in the spring, while a warm winter might require a late May treatment plan.
At the fall 2019, general membership meetings, affected owners in the Moon Shadows subdivision voted in an additional annual dues assessment to be dedicated to treating and improved the canals adjacent to their properties.
Our contractor, Lake Pro, is required to post notices affecting water usage in areas treated. If you see the contractor on the lake and there is no signage, on your property, then no restrictions are in place.